When a man tells me that he doesn't like titles, I take that as my cue to run NOT walk to the nearest exit. I like titles. Titles can keep the interaction between persons organized and free from confusion. There is no guessing game as to whether we are dating moving toward a girlfriend/boyfriend status (although very soon I will erase those terms from my vocabulary) or we are simply just friends. Without a title, a relationship is like grass blowing in the wind going in no certain direction or way.
I don't absolutely need a title especially just for the sake of having one, but I do need to know how my time and energy is being spent. There is nothing worse than getting emotions involved and entangled with a person only later to discover that the romance you thought was real was merely a friendship. If the guy and I are just friends, hanging out then that means that we are not exclusive to one another and free to pursue romantic opportunities if they should come along.

I am not suggesting that just because two people decide to place a title on their relationship it ensures stability and longevity. That simply is not true. It is the work and commitment of the two parties involved that makes the relationship long lasting.
If you are a person involved with someone and you all are untitled and your relationship is working then good for you. Everyone is different and their relationships and expectations are different. There is no cookie cutter way that a relationship should be.
As for me when I do start to become involved with a man again I don't want to be untitled. I want a man to claim me and I do not mean that in a controlling, overbearing, borderline abusive way, but I want a man to say, Rachel, yeah that's my lady.
I never thought about titles before because in previous "relationships" it was implied, but in today's ever changing society a woman like me needs to know the details. Maybe someone reading this never considered the thought either and perhaps it's something to think about in 2017.
Happy New Year!
Thanks for reading!
(John 3:16)
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