February of this year I went to a pre-Valentine's Day event hosted by Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. Everyone was dressed in their best and the atmosphere was light and friendly. While I was mingling and waiting for my friend to arrive I noticed a gentleman a few feet away from me stealing glances in my direction. I shrugged it off because I thought if he was interested in me then at some point during the night he would approach me and perhaps strike up a conversation. He did not. When that didn't occur my night wasn't in shambles because there were plenty of other men actively vying for my attention.
A month later I was leaving my office for lunch and noticed on my phone that I had a friend request on Facebook. I check to see who requested me and it was the guy from the event that was looking, but never approached me. I thought it was a sweet gesture, but at the same time I was thinking how did he find me because he didn't know my name. He would later explain that he saw a picture that I was tagged in from the event we both attended and that is how he was able to friend request me.
Long story short from March up until about a week or so ago he would message me through Facebook once every couple months. The messages usually always started out the same way, Hello! How are you? and would usually end with him saying that we should spend time together and I would always reply in agreement. To this day we have never spent time together.
The last time he messaged me on Facebook he brought it up again about spending time with me and I responded in an unenthusiastic manner. His reaction was that he thought I didn't care about spending time with him, but that was not the case. I simply had heard this tune before. I was tired of seeing him write that to me, but not put forth any effort. Especially when I saw pictures of him on Facebook of a recent trip he took to Atlanta. My thinking was he made time to go to Atlanta but not the time to take a moment out of his "busy" schedule to ask me to meet up for a peach green tea lemonade at Starbucks. Was he seriously wondering why my demeanor came across as whatever?

Would I go out with this guy if he asked me? To say no seems too definite of an answer and maybe seems too promising. So, I will simply say, I will have to wait and see.
Thanks for reading!
(John 3:16)
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