Photo Credit The Female Quixote Studio |
When I was younger every well known fairy tale that I read ended with...and they lived happily ever after. Then, as I got older and interested in movies I noticed the happily ever after theme became all too common. I have often heard people scoff at the very idea of a couple actually living a "happily ever after" type life. Why is the mere notion of a real happily ever after relationship such a foreign concept in today's society? I think people have the wrong idea of what one is.
Happily ever after doesn't mean that there won't be disagreements or arguments and that everything will be roses and cream puffs. A relationship is made up of two different people with two different views on values, morals, and standards. If you ever meet a couple and they say they never argue then you have met two people that are either pathological liars or one of them is severely submissive and they kowtow to their mates every demand without resistance.
Take a moment and imagine yourself all dressed up at a grand ball and that "happy couple" you know walks into the room. That couple that exudes the label of "happily ever after." That couple that looks so lovingly together. He's holding her tight and she's staring deeply into his eyes on the dance floor. The kind of couple that makes you sick at the sight of them, but guess what, even that couple fights and probably was arguing five minutes before they walked into the event.
I think forgiveness is the source behind a lot of these so-called "happy couples" that we see. Happy relationships are like an egg if you were to crack it open forgiveness would be the yolk. I would like to add though that sometimes people are not meant to be together. It would be a difficult choice, but you have to know when to call it quits. The choice is always up to you. But what do I know, I'm just a hopeless romantic that hopes she lives happily ever after.
Thanks for reading!
(John 3:16)
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