Sunday, June 8, 2014

When To Call It Quits

Photo Credit The Female Quixote Studio |

Before my current relationship I was with someone for about eight months and I felt like I was in love with him, but the longer the relationship went on I started to notice that we would have the same arguments over and over again.  I got tired of feeling like my words were falling on deaf ears so I made the difficult and necessary decision to end the relationship.  I knew internally that this relationship would only go in circles and that he was not going to change.  I put time and effort into this relationship for months and I admit that I could have stayed with him, but I would not have been happy.

There is not a set formula or calculation for when to call it quits.  You have to know within yourself what your standards are and if they are being met.  It is not always easy letting go of someone because every relationship has its own factors to consider.

Now, I am not saying that because a relationship may be rocky now that it may not get better because it may, but the couple has to be willing to put in the work.  What is the work?  Communicate, listen and understand.  In order to get to the root of an issue it first has to be communicated by one half and the other person has to listen.  Once communication and listening has taken place on both sides now as a couple you have to understand the problem together.

All of this sounds easy, but its not.  Relationships are hard work anyway and keeping them or letting them go is even harder.  When to call it quits is up to you.  

Thanks for reading!
(John 3:16)

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