Sunday, April 3, 2016

Not Helping, Then Hurting

I am starting to feel like I am getting to a point in my life where if something or someone is not helping me then it is hurting me.  That may seem like an extreme to some, but it is very clear to me.  I haven't always had the mindset that allowed me to view things in such a way, but the more that I am attempting to become successful in any area of my life I am noticing that things (habits) and people fall into one of these categories.

I use to waste so much time aimlessly for so long on things that were bad for me, didn't help me progress forward and on people that had no desire to walk on the same path as me.  Mostly the reason for this was I had no clear understanding of what I wanted out of life.  I was sort of walking through life with an existence that was normal and lackluster.  I didn't know what I wanted to do or who I wanted to be.  I have always wanted to get married, but reevaluating things now I'm so glad it never happened for me because I would have been using marriage as an antibiotic thinking that it would cure every area of my life.

Now, I have found my motivation and purpose.  I am a writer and if something or someone cannot help me fulfill my dream then it or they are hurting my chances at being successful.  Like a lot of people, I wish I could go back and recapture the time lost, but instead I must forge ahead and seize the day.

Thanks for reading!
(John 3:16)

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