Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Insecurity of Being Insecure

Photo Credit The Refined Photo –

Everyone has insecurities whether they want to admit it or not.  People have insecurities for all types of reasons.  Sometimes its fear that they will lose the person they love or they are constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and they are preparing themselves for an end that seems inevitable to them or they are carrying around unresolved issues from past relationships.  Whatever the reason insecurities are not good.

I thought I was immune to feeling insecure because I have always been a confident person in pretty much every situation, but all that changed when I met "Spoon".

To say that Spoon was just good looking would be making an understatement.  He was uber-confident, extremely intelligent and had a larger than life personality that was effortless because he was just being who he naturally is.  Being in the presence of all that intimidated me.  No one has ever made me feel intimidated it has always been the other way around.  I would question to myself why this amazing man wanted to be with me.  I thought that I wasn't interesting enough for him and perhaps I didn't complement him as well as he complemented me.  He was so interesting to me and put together.

There is no shame in having an insecurity I guess the shame would be knowing your insecurity and refusing to work on it.  In my experience with Spoon I finally came to realize that I was being insecure and I have worked on those insecurities so that I do not make the same mistakes twice.  As for Spoon and I we are friends.

Thanks for reading!
(John 3:16)

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