Friday, January 22, 2010

I Think Therefore I Am

Photo Credit The Female Quixote Studio |

I was recently reading a book at work, to help pass the time called Skinny B***h. It was written by these two vegan propaganda broads, but anyway, the book was about how to get skinny and ways to get skinny. I took none of that away from reading the book, but what I did take away from reading was something one of the authors said at the very end which was "You are what you think". Which basically means if you think and believe something will happen then it will. Reality has nothing to do with it. The simple fact that you believe it makes it a reachable and tangible goal.

Apply that concept to your love life. Always think that your Mr./Ms. Right is right around the corner and that at the perfect time he or she will be revealed to you. You may not have someone right now, but its still early into the year and stay hopeful that your special someone is coming right for you. When you give up hope of finding love your thoughts and beliefs are no longer tangible and it is like a rose that has withered up and died. But if you stay positive your rose will continue to blossom and one day your special someone will come and pick your rose out of the garden of love.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying that just because you stay positive that automatically your special someone is going to be there on a white horse or in a Benz to carry you off into the sunset. I'm also not saying that your going to find your special someone overnight, but if that happens for you please invite me to the wedding.

For some we might meet a bunch of duds before we find our true love. To be honest it's nothing wrong with meeting a dud because it will better help you A) gain better standards and B) make you a better person for that special someone.

The phrase I think therefore I am comes from the Latin "Cogito, ergo sum" and it was first quoted by Rene Descartes and it simply means that if someone is wondering whether or not he exists, that is in and of itself proof that he does exist. I find that to be very fitting for the subject I am discussing now.

Your special someone is out there and for me I always say, God is preparing him and also preparing me for my special someone and I to meet. Maybe you should look at that the same way too.

Thanks for reading!
(John 3:16)


  1. Very true. Good things come to those that wait.

  2. sometimes its right under ur nose! expect the unexpected
