Sunday, June 15, 2014

Leave Those Bags In The Past

If you have ever been in multiple bad relationships throughout your life and allow for the results of those messy relationships to transfer over into a new relationship then you are carrying around baggage.   

People hurt people, that is a fact of life and that is a fact of relationships.  Don't let yesterday's rain ruin today's sunshine.  Bad relationships happen, but you cannot make the new person in your life suffer for the mistakes others committed.  You harm yourself and potentially can throw away any hope of having a decent, healthy relationship.  Time to leave those bags in the past.

When a person has baggage they have their emotional guards up and subconsciously waiting for the other shoe to drop.  They may think that in their new relationship it is only a matter of time before they are hurt again.  In my opinion the issues that are associated with baggage all have to do with trust.  In order to get over this way of thinking you have to learn to trust your mate and work at trust which is one of the major components of a relationship.  This may not happen overnight, but the more time you and your mate put into working at trust the more it will blossom.

Relationships are hard enough without a person lugging around a suitcase full of issues that another person gave them.  So to my fellow readers that may have some baggage drop those bags and free up your heart. 

Thanks for reading!
(John 3:16)

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