Sunday, March 23, 2014

Soul Mates: Do You Believe?

Photo Credit The Female Quixote Studio |

Soul mate is a term that I have heard often, but not a topic that I have ever given too much thought to.  Now that I am in a serious relationship I ponder as to whether or not a person can actually have a soul mate.  A person that they are destined to be with.  I believe that my boyfriend is my soul mate and I am his so I guess yes I do believe that some people have soul mates.

I am not here to confirm or deny the existence of soul mates.  I just want to pose a question: do you believe in soul mates?

The earliest known reference to soul mates comes from The Symposium by Plato.  The premise of the story is that there was once a race of people that had four arms, four legs and both genitalia.  As a punishment the human beings were split in half and therefore would always long for his or her other half.  When those halves meet there is an unspoken understanding.  Of course, this was only a story.

Through the years and decades the term soul mate has taken on a new role.  There are numerous websites and books that all claim to help a person find their soul mate.  Dating websites are big business, but can a picture and a few likes and dislikes listed on a computer screen really help a person find their soul mate?  Who am I to scoff at this idea.

Many psychologist try to debunk the idea of soul mates.  According to a study showed that people who believe in soul mates were most likely to call it quits on a romantic relationship when times got tough oppose to persons who did not believe in soul mates that would work to grow a relationship.

Whether you are a person that believes in the existence of soul mates or not always remember when entering into a relationship with anyone that people are not perfect.  The wonderful couple that you may know or see on the street they have problems too.  No relationship is perfect, but I will say this if you are single be on the lookout cause your special person may be right around the corner.

Thanks for reading!
(John 3:16)

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